Services that Rethinkable offers:
Ongoing support to learn life skills, such as:
Learning how to safety clean rooms in the home
How to use cleaning products
Safety around cleaning
Create long lasting habits with tools such as timetables and weekly planners
Helping to source furniture or storage solutions
Support to find community based activities
Building confidence to access the community independently
We do not offer support to appointments; however our service offers support to build confidence in this area by practising the route in advance or booking taxis
Deep cleaning of the home environment, where we come alongside the client to reset their home to a maintainable standard, where they are involved and in control of the process. This can be provided as ongoing support, for example 2 hours a week; or in one go, for example 4 full days. This is completely dependant on client preference and is decided by them. This service includes, but is not limited to:
A complete declutter
Deep cleaning of each individual room
Sourcing affordable furniture and storage solutions, if needed
Supporting client to source a skip, if needed
Moving in support such as:
Updating benefits
GP registration
Setting up utilities
Showing client where to find their gas/electricity meters and how to top up if applicable
Unpacking and organising
Sourcing affordable furniture
Signposting to other services as the clients’ independence grows. Rethinkable will provide information for these services and can help with any applications needed and computer support if they are online. We do not offer support to get to these services. These services can include organisations that offer support for:
Volunteering opportunities
For a downloadable version of this page, please click here: Rethinkable - List of Support Services